Monday, September 7, 2009

Long Time Between Drinks

Hi everyone. Well I apologise for the time it has taken me to get back on here and start posting again. I arrived home from Italy and basically found myself scrambling to catch up on so many things to do with teaching, archaeology and university studies as well as the stuff I do on the side with sci-fi events.
My aim this week is to at least get a post or two up here including some more images from the field season in Pompeii with the Pompeii Food and Drink Project. Before I go any further I need to say a huge thank you to the principal researchers of the project Dr. Betty Jo Mayeske, Dr. Bob Curtis and Dr. Benedict Lowe. Thanks so much for having me on the team and allowing me to work with you. It is indeed a privilege and I can't wait to join you again on further adventures in the scavi. Bring on 2010.
For students here in Australia, let me say it is not too long now before those HSC exams start rolling in. I hope I can bring a few more things to light and to think about as you revise and plan for the Ancient History exam.